1. Components
  2. ShadCN Components


ShadCN Components

Installing and using ShadCN components in your SvelteLaunch application


shadcn-svelte is a collection of customizable UI components for Svelte applications. This guide will walk you through the process of installing and using shadcn-svelte components in your SvelteLaunch project.

Adding Components

To add a shadcn-svelte component to your project:

  1. Use the shadcn-svelte CLI to add the desired component:

            npx shadcn-svelte add [component-name]

    Replace [component-name] with the name of the component you want to add (e.g., button, card, accordion).

  2. The component and its dependencies will be added to your project in the src/lib/components/ui directory.

Using Components

To use a shadcn-svelte component in your SvelteLaunch project:

  1. Import the component from the $lib/components/ui directory:

    import { Button } from '$lib/components/ui/button';
  2. Use the component in your Svelte template:

            <Button>Click me</Button>

Customizing Components

shadcn-svelte components are designed to be easily customizable. To modify a component:

  1. Locate the component file in the src/lib/components/ui directory.

  2. Open the component file and modify the styles or behavior as needed.

  3. For styling changes, you can modify the Tailwind CSS classes directly in the component file.

  4. For more extensive customizations, you can create a new component that extends the base shadcn-svelte component.

Example of customizing a Button component:

import { Button as BaseButton } from '$lib/components/ui/button';

const { children } = $props();

<BaseButton class="bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-600 text-white font-bold">
  {@render children}


Available Components

  1. Accordion
  2. Alert
  3. Alert Dialog
  4. Aspect Ratio
  5. Avatar
  6. Badge
  7. Button
  8. Calendar
  9. Card
  10. Carousel
  11. Checkbox
  12. Collapsible
  13. Combobox
  14. Command
  15. Context Menu
  16. Data Table
  17. Date Picker
  18. Dialog
  19. Drawer
  20. Dropdown Menu
  21. Form
  22. Hover Card
  23. Input
  24. Label
  25. Menubar
  26. Navigation Menu
  27. Pagination
  28. Popover
  29. Progress
  30. Radio Group
  31. Scroll Area
  32. Select
  33. Separator
  34. Sheet
  35. Skeleton
  36. Slider
  37. Switch
  38. Table
  39. Tabs
  40. Textarea
  41. Toast
  42. Toggle
  43. Toggle Group
  44. Tooltip

For detailed information on each component, including props, usage examples, and customization options, click on the component name to visit its documentation page. Each link will open in a new tab.